弥生ぐいのみ / Yayoi Guinomi (extra large sake cup)

2007.02.12  酒の器




Because the entire crafting process for this cup is hands-on, it is not possible to make multiples at once.
Deciding that the form is similar to Yayoi style earthenware, the Predecessor generation head has named it Yayoi Guinomi.

It is made by hitting a relatively thin sheet of pewter using hammers and wooden mallets, and choosing to stretch or raise the metal depending on the section. We form them into unusual but somehow charming shapes, not seen in conventional metal ware. The rough surface is a texture called “Ishime”(meaning stone pattern), which is created in a traditional method using a hammer.



Yayoi Guinomi, taller version, with relatively small mouth. It can contain about 110ml filled to the brim.
Roughly speaking, we make 2 different types. It is designed by our craftsman Ms. S, whom our store holds confidence in.



Yayoi Guinomi, shorter version, with wider mouth. This one can also contain about 110ml. It looks larger compared to the taller cup, but there is almost no difference in capacity. We currently make these two types.
Because each cup differs slightly in form, please be aware that the actual pieces may not look the same as the photograph.



When holding the cup, you can feel the weight of the metal, but since we use a rather thin sheet it is considered to be light compared to the average pewter guimoni.
The design has a gentle warmth that the hand can adjust well to. It is a large guinomi that needs to be held by the palm of one’s hand.



The most unique part of this guinomi is the bottom of the cup; it has 3 bulged areas which act as the stand.
Customers often say that it resembles the a child’s bottom. Forming these charming bulges is the most difficult task, and it requires a long time to complete. Every time, the cups are on reserve before the they are completed, so if you wish to purchase one please make sure to contact us and make a reservation.



