公募展『いまからまめさら2015』出品者エントリー受付開始!/The 2015 Ima-kara Mame-sara exhibition is now accepting applications!

2015.04.25  いまからまめさら いまからまめさら2015 展覧会

(English follows Japanese)

今年で第4回目となります公募展『いまからまめさら 2015』を、祇園祭の期間中の 2015年7月17日(金)~7月24日(金) に開催致します。

この公募展は、七代目 山中源兵衛が「豆皿」という広く知られた器を通し、一人でも多くの方に金工の世界に触れて頂く機会となることを目的とし、又、実績地位を問わず出品者をすべて同じ目線で紹介させて頂く公募展になります。

年々出品者も増え、昨年は50名が出品。 日本国内だけでなくイギリス、イタリア、アメリカからもご出品いただきました。

出品者エントリーの締切日は 2015年6月1日(月)、作品搬入の締切日は 6月25日(木) となります。



▷いまからまめさら2015 に関する「お知らせの一覧」はこちらよりご覧ください。

いまからまめさら2013 出品作品
いまからまめさら2014 出品作品





The 2015 Ima-kara Mame-sara exhibition is now accepting applications!

The 2015 Ima-kara Mame-sara exhibition (the 4th of its kind) will be held this year to coincide with the Gion Festival between July 17th (Fri.) and 24th (Fri.).

Genbei Yamanaka, the 7th generation of the Seikado house, hopes that this public exhibition will provide a chance for many people to be touched by the world of metalwork through the well known Mame-sara (bean plate). Furthermore, by inviting both professional and amature artists, the exhibition allows the work to be appreciated on a level platform.

Every year the number of participants has increased, and we had 50 entries into last year’s exhibition.

Participants came not only from Japan but also from the United Kingdom, Italy, and America.

The Ima-kara Mame-sara exhibition provides a way of understanding and appreciating not only the world of Japanese metalwork but also the rich cultures of each country through discourse and exchange.

The Genbei Yamanaka prize for outstanding work (valued at 100,000 Japanese Yen) will again be awarded this year.

The deadline for applications is Monday June 1st, 2015, and the deadline for receiving the works is Thursday June 25th.

What kinds of works will we happen to meet this year…we eagerly await your applications!

Please refer to the following multilingual page for details of the application procedure.